Hunter Black Page 0017 – The Black Ribbon. Damn.

The Gennesine River crosses the main continent of our setting; it is also known as the Black Ribbon, due to its meandering path and its dark waters. These names are also used by our thief, because the river is a massive smuggling thoroughfare; more illegal money goes through the Black Ribbon than anywhere else. Gennesine the thief leaves a piece of black ribbon in places that she has robbed…usually.

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Hunter Black Page 0023 – A Knowing Smile

These last few pages, Will did something I wasn’t expecting, and now I find that I have something new to work with. We had initially decided not to include non-human races in our setting. Then Will designed these guys that Iosephus is talking to. They look way too cool to change for some arbitrarily decided upon rule. So now I have to find a way to use them somewhere down the line. This is what rules about collaboration.

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